Changes coming to youth group snacks


One of the things kids love about Central's youth group is the availability of snacks. This coming fall, we are changing things a bit. We won't be eliminating snacks, but we will be eliminating the cheap-o snacks with ingredients that sound more like a chemistry set than a foodstuff. This means no artificial colors or flavors, no chemical preservatives common to engine anti-freeze, and no high fructose corn syrup. All the ingredients will now be natural. These snacks are, obviously, a bit more expensive. This means the money our youth will bring won't go as far, limiting intake as a matter of economics.

The Lineup

New youth group sodas

Here are the snacks currently on tap for next year (more will be added).

  • All natural, caffeine-free, sodas (Root Beer, Cherry-Vanilla Cream Soda, Ginger Ale, Cola, Lemon-Lime)
  • All natural juice boxes
  • Water Bottles (We may have to consider a water cooler)
  • Sandwich cookies (Think Oreos)
  • "Squishy Fishies" (Similar to Swedish fish)
  • Home-Popped Popcorn (blue corn from Whole Foods and popped in olive oil)

We hope these new snacks teach that paying a bit more for better quality is better for our bodies, and that these better-tasting, snacks are worth the slightly higher prices. We also hope they help the kids be more open to spiritual development because they aren't completely jacked up on a chemical smorgasbord!