Streaming link for Sunday, May 19, 2024
Central Baptist is open for in-person worship but will continue to live-stream the service through the embedded video.
Call to Worship - Psalm 104:24-34
Hymn of Praise - #386 "The Comforter Has Come"
Chorus 1
The Comforter has come
The Comforter has come
The Holy Ghost from heav'n
The Father's promise giv'n
O spread the tidings 'round
Wherever man is found
The Comforter has come
Verse 1
O spread the tidings 'round
Wherever man is found
Wherever human hearts
And human woes abound
Let every Christian tongue
Proclaim the joyful sound
The Comforter has come
Verse 2
The long long night is past
The morning breaks at last
And hushed the dreadful wail
And fury of the blast
As o'er the golden hills
The day advances fast
The Comforter has come
Verse 3
Lo the great King of kings
With healing in His wings
To every captive soul
A full deliv'rance brings
And through the vacant cells
The song of triumph rings
The Comforter has come
Verse 4
O boundless love divine
How shall this tongue of mine
To wond'ring mortals tell
The matchless grace divine
That I a child of hell
Should in His image shine
The Comforter has come
Francis Bottome
© Public Domain
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 468823
Opening Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Passing the Peace (Internet Edition)
OT Reading - Ezekiel 37:1-14
Prayer Time
Gospel Reading - John 15:26-27, 16:4-15
Anthem - “Spirit Come Down”
Prayer of Thanksgiving
NT Reading - Romans 8:22-27
Hymn of Invitation - #399 "We Are God's People"
Verse 1
We are God's people the chosen of the Lord
Born of His Spirit established by His Word
Our cornerstone is Christ alone
And strong in Him we stand
O let us live transparently
And walk heart to heart and hand in hand
We are God’s loved ones the Bride of Christ our Lord
For we have known it the love of God outpoured
Now let us lear how to return
The gift of love once given
O let us are each joy and care
And live with a zeal that pleases Heav’n
We are the body of which the Lord is head
Called to obey Him now risen from the dead
He wills us be a family
Diverse yet truly one
O let us give our gifts to God
And so shall His work on earth be done
Verse 4
We are a temple the Spirit's dwelling place
Formed in great weakness a cup to hold God's grace
We die alone for on its own
Each ember loses fire
Yet joined in one the flame burns on
To give warmth and light and to inspire
Bryan Jeffery Leech | Fred Bock | Johannes Brahms
© Words: 1976 Fred Bock Music Company; Music: 1976 Fred Bock Music Company
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 468823
May Benevolence - Camp Lebanon
Central Baptist Church has been a long time, faithful supporter of Baptist Camp Lebanon. Many in our community have participated in their programs as campers, counselors, and volunteers.
“ There are many ways to get involved at Camp Lebanon: you can donate financially, volunteer as a counselor, participate in a work project, raise money for camper scholarships, donate an item from the Wish List, send a child to camp, pray for our camp, or come up with your own way. No matter where your interests lie, Camp Lebanon has a way to get you involved.”
Click/Tap for more information
CBC Ide is growing and want’s to expand their pastoral staff! Ronnie has asked Pastor Kaiser Silva Vasconcelos to come help him take care of their growing congregation. They are offering him a salary of $33,800 per year.
As part of this process Pastor Kaiser is applying for a religious worker visa and as part of that work need to have a documented call for ministry. As CBC Ide is operating as part of Central Baptist Church the official call needs to come from our church body. All funds for his salary will come from Ide’s account, so the net financial cost to Central Baptist is zero, but the congregation gains a new member of the ministry team.
The church will be holding a meeting after worship on June 2 to discuss and vote on this proposal.
Our next class is using “Journey into Becoming an Authentic Christian,” a study of 2Peter and Jude. Come join us!
Epworth UMC VBS will be open to the community. All children ages 4-11 are invited. Camp Firelight will be July 21-25 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Epworth UMC 501 Morgan Avenue, Palmyra, NJ 08065. 856/829-1908. To register visit
Envelopes _______ 3050.00
Plate __________ 20.00
CBC-IDE ________ 1000.00
Total Budget: 4070.00
Camp Lebanon ____ 30.00
Total Separate Funds: 30.00
SUBTOTAL: 4100.00
PayPal deposit - 2100.00