Streaming link for Sunday, December 3, 2023
Central Baptist is open for in-person worship but will continue to live-stream the service through the embedded video.
Call to Worship—The Advent Wreath
On this first Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of hope. Hope is our assurance that God will finish all He has started. Hope is our confidence that He will do all He has promised. All the promises of God are fulfilled in Jesus Christ our Lord. He is our hope, today and forever!
Join with me as we say together,
We wait upon the Lord
and place our hope in God’s Word.
Strengthened by the Spirit,
we awaken our souls
and watch for Christ’s coming.
Hymn of Praise - "Shout to the North"
Verse 1
Men of faith rise up and sing
Of the great and glorious King
You are strong when you feel weak
In your brokenness complete
Shout to the north and the south
Sing to the east and the west
Jesus is Savior to all
Lord of heaven and earth
Verse 2
Rise up women of the truth
Stand and sing to broken hearts
Who can know the healing pow'r
Of our awesome King of love
Verse 3
Rise up church with broken wings
Fill this place with songs again
Of our God who reigns on high
By His grace again we'll fly
We've been through fire
We've been through rain
We've been refined
By the pow'r of His name
We've fallen deeper
In love with You
You've burned
The truth on our lips
Lord of heaven and earth
Lord of heaven and earth
Lord of heaven and earth
Martin Smith
© 1995 Curious? Music UK
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 468823
Opening Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Passing the Peace (Internet Edition)
Old Testament Reading - Isaiah 64:1-9
Prayer Time
New Testament Reading - 1 Cor 1:3-9
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Gospel Reading - Mark 13:24-37
Hymn of Invitation - #244 "Come, Long-Expected Jesus"
Verse 1
Come Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free
From our fears and sins release us
Let us find our rest in Thee
Israel's strength and consolation
Hope of all the earth Thou art
Dear desire of every nation
Joy of every longing heart
Verse 2
Born Thy people to deliver
Born a child and yet a King
Born to reign in us forever
Now Thy gracious Kingdom bring
By Thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone
By Thine all sufficient merit
Raise us to Thy glorious throne
Charles Wesley | Rowland Hugh Prichard
Words: Public Domain; Music: Public Domain
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 468823
December Benevolence — ABC Retired Ministers/Missionaries Offering
The Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO) originated in the mid-1930s, when American Baptist congregations received a Communion Fellowship Offering on the first Sunday of each month to support retired ministers, missionaries, their widowed spouses and elderly clergy within their churches. In 1977, American Baptist Churches USA launched RMMO to continue this appreciation of God’s service.
Fellowship is starting back up! On the second Sunday of the month, we will be starting up a fellowship time right after the 9:30 am service. Bring a treat to share and stick around to catch up!
Our Fall Annual Business Meeting will be on Sunday, December 10, following the 9:30 service.
Bring a treat to share as it is Fellowship Sunday!
The Choir will be having rehearsal on December 10th to prepare for the Holiday season. It is at 10:30 am in the Sunday School Auditorium and everyone is welcome! Hope to see you there!
Holiday Events
Our Christmas Eve Service will be Sunday, Dec. 24th and 6:30 pm. All are welcome!
Christmas Card Collection: Do you want to give Christmas cards to our friends at CBC but don’t want to pay the cost of shipping? Bring your cards to church by Sunday, 12/17, so they can be hand delivered by Christmas! Look for the bright red mailbox in Memorial Hall.
Would you like to help needy families this Christmas season? Charles Street School is looking for donations of gift cards to give to families in need. Donation amounts are not specific, and stores like Shop Rite, Ross, Burlington Coat Factory. Walmart, Target, Wawa and others would be some suggestions. Donations are due to Jen by Sunday, December 3, so the school can see what is still needed. Thank you in advance for your support!
Envelopes _______ 1400.00
Plate ___________ 20.00
Total Budget: 1420.00
Food Pantry_______ 150.00
Total Separate Funds: 150.00