Streaming link for Sunday, October 22, 2023
Central Baptist is open for in-person worship but will continue to live-stream the service through the embedded video.
Call to Worship - Psalm 96:1-13
Hymn of Praise -“God of Wonders”
Verse 1
Lord of all creation
Of water earth and sky
The heavens are Your tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on high
Chorus 1
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy holy
Lord of heaven and earth
Lord of heaven and earth
Verse 2
Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
When I stumble in the darkness
I will call Your name by night
Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and earth)
You are holy
Chorus 2
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy holy
Precious Lord reveal Your heart to me
Father hold me hold me
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy holy holy holy
Chorus 3
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy holy
Precious Lord reveal Your heart to me
Father hold me hold me
Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the Lord of heaven and earth)
Marc Byrd | Steve Hindalong
© 2000 Never Say Never Songs; New Spring; Meaux Mercy; Storm Boy Music
For use solely with the SongSelect® G.LIT_TermsOfUse. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 468823
Opening Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Passing the Peace (Internet Edition)
Prayer Time
Old Testament Reading - Isaiah 45:1-7
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Gospel Reading -Mark 12:38-44
Hymn of Invitation - #415 “We Are Called to Be God’s People”
Verse 1
We are called to be God's people
Showing by our lives His grace
One in heart and one in spirit
Sign of hope for all the race
Let us show how He has changed us
And remade us as His own
Let us share our life together
As we shall around His throne
Verse 2
We are called to be God's servants
Working in His world today
Taking His own task upon us
All His sacred words obey
Let us rise then to His summons
Dedicate to Him our all
That we may be faithful servants
Quick to answer now His call
Verse 3
We are called to be God's prophets
Speaking for the truth and right
Standing firm for godly justice
Bringing evil into light
Let us seek the courage needed
Our high calling to fulfill
That we all may know the blessing
Of the doing of God's will
Thomas A. Jackson
© 1975 Broadman Press
For use solely with the SongSelect® G.LIT_TermsOfUse. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 468823
The mission focus for October is World Mission Offering supporting International Ministries of the American Baptist Church. “International Ministries, also known as the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, works cross-culturally to invite people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to proclaim, through both word and deed, God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation.”
The Choir will be having rehearsals on November 12th, November 19th and December 10th to prepare for November and the Holiday season. All are at 10:30 am in the Sunday School Auditorium and everyone is welcome! Hope to see you there!
Envelopes _______ 630.00
Plate ___________ 51.00
CBC-IDE _________ 1000.00
Total Budget: 1681.00