Streaming link for Sunday, September 24, 2023
Central Baptist is open for in-person worship but will continue to live-stream the service through the embedded video.
Call to Worship - Psalm 105:1-8
Hymn of Praise - #38 "Ye Servants of God"
Verse 1
You servants of God your master proclaim
And publish abroad his wonderful name
The name all victorious of Jesus extol
His kingdom is glorious and rules over all
Verse 2
God rules in the height almighty to save -
Though hid from our sight his presence we have
The great congregation his triumph shall sing
Ascribing salvation to Jesus our king
Verse 3
'Salvation to God who sits on the throne '
Let all cry aloud and honour the Son
The praises of Jesus the angels proclaim
Fall down on their faces and worship the Lamb
Verse 4
Then let us adore and give him his right
All glory and power all wisdom and might
All honour and blessing - with angels above -
And thanks never ceasing and infinite love
Charles Wesley
Public Domain
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 468823
Opening Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Passing the Peace (Internet Edition)
Prayer Time
Old Testament Reading - Exodus 16:2-15
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Gospel Reading - Mark 11:27-12:12
Hymn of Invitation - #456 "Find Us Faithful"
Verse 1
Oh may all who come behind us
Find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion
Light their way
May the footprints that we leave
Lead them to believe
And the lives we live
Inspire them to obey
Oh may all who come behind us
Find us faithful
Jon Mohr
© 1987 Mystic Beard Music; Jonathan Mark Music
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 468823
The Center serves as the Salvation Army Service Unit for Pemberton Township. Through this remarkable ministry, many area churches provide crucial support to meet needs for which there is no grant funding. This enables us to bridge a complicated gap between church and state. Salvation Army funds are particularly important for assisting with rapid rehousing. Family reunification is a cornerstone of this effort, so we use these funds to help clients travel home. These funds also help clients in crisis with needed medical care, including medications, eyeglasses and small medical equipment.
Recovery, Sobriety and Job Training
Christian Caring Center operates a four-bed men’s shelter in Pemberton dedicated to helping men in recovery from substance abuse issues. Staffed with an on-site manager, the shelter follows a structured program to provide accountability and Christian discipleship. Through the shelter and their other outreaches to people striving for a life of sobriety, they provide avenues for work experience and job training in retail, food service, maintenance, janitorial and office administration skills.
For more information on services and programs offered through the Christian Caring Center please click the button below.
Beginning Sunday, September 24 at 10:30 a new adult study will begin. “Journey into the Spirit World” will utilize a workbook by Rev. Tommy Higle and will provide a biblical understanding of the spirit world. Some topics include The Original Spirit, Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Getting Acquainted with Angels, The Types of Angels, among others. If you are interested, please contact Fay Nolan so she can order an workbook for you. There is no cost for the workbook. Hope to see you there!
Choose Your Adventure!
Central Baptist continues to Raise the Roof! This afternoon of adventure will take players on journeys to the far future, a New England University, and even a Super Hero Reality TV show.
These games will lean into the “spooky” season, so we’re rating it PG-13.
For more information and tickets click/tap the button below!
The Palmyra High School Foundation for Educational Excellence (PHSFEE) is a grass-roots non-profit dedicated to supporting Palmyra High School. To date the organization has raised over $100,00 for the school and opened up new avenues of learning for the students attending it, and they are looking to raise the bar even higher.
On October 14th, 6:30-11:00 PM PHSFEE will be hosing a Casino Night at Sacred Heart Gym with the goal of raising $50,000 for a new program called PATHWAYS. This program allows high school student take courses for simultaneous high school and college credit. The catch is there is a $50 per credit cost for registering. PHSFEE’s goal is to raise enough money that every Palmyra High School student who wished to take a PATHWAY call can do so at no cost to them, a worthy goal!
Tickets cost $65 per person. For more information or to purchase tickets use the button below to contact PHSFEE.
Epworth United Methodist Church’s youth group is collecting Winter coats for food pantry clients. They are due to the church by October 13th and will be handed out at the food pantry day on October 21.
Coats may be dropped off here on Sundays, or taken to Epworth United Methodist during their office hours Tuesday-Friday, 9:30-12:30.
Envelopes _______ 450.00
Plate ___________ 30.00
Total Budget: 480.00