Worship Bulletin - December 27, 2015
Worship Order
Lord’s Day, December 27th, 2015 - 10:30 AM Worship
Welcome And Announcements
Passing the Peace
Call to Worship
Lift up your hearts in prayer: lift up your voices in praise. Let your eyes rise in expectation and your hands in exultation, for the Lord has drawn near and dwells among us. We lift them up. Amen.
*Hymn - “Sing We Now of Christmas” - #275
Opening Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
NT Reading - Galatians 4:4-7 - p. 1250
Offertory - “Christmas Hymn”
*Song of Thanksgiving - “Give Thanks” - #170
Give thanks with a grateful heart; Give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son. (repeat) And now let the weak say, "I am strong," Let the poor say, "I am rich," because of what the Lord has done for us. Give Thanks! (repeat)
Gospel Reading - John 1:1–5 - P. 1137
*Hymn - “Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee” - #271
Sermon - “God Came Down” - Pastor Wesley Allen
*Hymn - “Go, Tell It On The Mountain” - #258
*If you are able, please stand
December Benevolence: Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering
In 1977 American Baptist Churches USA launched the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO) to continue this time-honored tradition of expressing thankfulness.
This year our theme is The Grace of Giving. Through the simple yet profound act of giving, American Baptist churches can share in an act of Grace that reminds the ministers, missionaries and widowed spouses who served so faithfully that they are remembered with love and gratitude.
The offering supports those who have dedicated their lives to God’s service by providing emergency assistance in times of need and a thank you check at the end of each year. We hope that RMMO will continue to serve as a joyous tradition for ABC congregations and that you will be greatly enriched this season by The Grace of Giving.
WERLEE Returns! - Tuesday, December 29 at 6pm. Don't miss out on the 2nd White Elephant Regifting Leftover Exchange Extravaganza. Bring a wrapped regift and a leftover sto share.
Interfaith Hospitality Network - Friday, January 8. Cooks, servers, overnighters needed. Please consider giving a bit of your time for a homeless family in need. See Amanda for information.