Worship Bulletin - November 30, 2014


Advent has come, and with it God’s people wait in expectant hope for the arrival of the Messiah. As this month unfolds enjoy the beauty that unfurls before our eyes as neighborhoods light up, but please remember to pause and reflect on the wonders of God’s salvation.


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Lord’s Day, November 23, 2014 - 10:30 AM Worship

First Sunday of Advent


Welcome and Announcements

Passing the Peace

Call to Worship - Psalm 80:1-7,17-19 - p. 633

*Hymn of Praise - "Come, Thou, Almighty King" - #8

Opening Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Lighting of the Advent Wreath

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

OT Reading - Isaiah 64:1-9 - p.804


Offertory - "Awaken Us, O Lord"

*Song of Thanksgiving - “Doxology” - #815

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

NT Reading - 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 - p.1333

*Hymn of Preparation - "I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day" - #267

Gospel Reading - Mark 13:24-37 - p.1091

Sermon - “Longing” - Pastor Wesley Allen

*Hymn of Invitation - "I Know Whom I Have Believed" - #527



*If you are able, please stand


November Benevolences:

Bread of Life Food Pantry - Since opening in Aug 2009, the pantry has served the communities of Cinnaminson, Palmyra & Riverton. As of now we have served over 2000 people and the numbers keep rising. Please help us continue this wonderful ministry.

Operation Christmas Child - A small shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal. Be a part of changing children's lives all over the world in Jesus' Name through the power of a simple gift with Operation Christmas Child.